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How to Manage a Remote Tech Team to Success

September 29, 2023
Manish Karani

As a means of securing the highest caliber of tech talent, more companies are embracing remote teams. Not only does this broaden their available talent pools, it also ensures a person’s physical location is largely irrelevant when it comes to hiring. As long as the employee has access to a reliable internet connection and the right tools, they can be just as productive from practically anywhere; and with the aid of remote employee management software, managing such a team has never been easier.

However, if you want to craft a truly remarkable tech team, then you need to manage them properly. Often, this requires company leaders to rethink how they operate, abandoning old paradigms that don’t always work when overseeing a remote workforce. If you want your remote tech team to be as successful as possible, here are some tips that can help you manage them effectively.

Delegate Wisely

With remote teams, how you delegate tasks is crucial to your success. Since your employees aren’t physically together, you need to assign activities based on who is most capable of providing the ideal result. This means concentrating more on the quality of the outputs and less on the methods used to achieve them, giving your remote workers the option to select the approach they prefer. Additionally, it means putting a higher focus on accountability. The remote tech team member assigned to the task must take full responsibility for its completion and success, giving them a sense of ownership and potentially creating a source of motivation.

Focus on Trust

When you manage a remote team, trust is essential. After all, you don’t have the ability to peek in on their work by simply strolling over to their desk. Instead, you must have faith they can use their expertise to deliver the desired results, even if they aren’t directly observed. However, with remote teams, you don’t always have the opportunity to build trust before you empower them to take ownership of a task. Instead, you have to extend it first and give them a chance to rise to the occasion, believing they will live up to their end of the bargain practically from the beginning.

While this approach can seem odd, it’s a necessity. Micromanaging a remote team is nearly impossible, so attempting to do so will only breed frustration. But, if you empower them with trust, you give them a chance to thrive.

Make Success Collective

With remote teams, you are often their touchstone, acting as their primary connection to the larger organization. When your tech team achieves a victory, they may not receive accolades from other members of the leadership team simply because they aren’t in the same physical space.

This means you need to help fill that void. Acknowledge and even celebrate group victories often, and strive to show your appreciation for their contributions regularly. Without recognition, your remote tech pros may feel undervalued, and that can harm morale, productivity, and retention rates.

By recognizing everyone’s accomplishments, you demonstrate how valuable they are to you, their teammates, and the company, and that can go a long way when you want to craft a successful remote tech team.

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If you are interested in learning more or are looking for tech pros to join your staff, the professionals at ASK can help. Contact us to learn more about our services today!

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