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Are These Cloud-Based Security Concerns Really Myths?

September 29, 2023
ASK Consulting

Despite widespread adoption of cloud-based systems, many organizations worry about transferring core functions to the cloud. Even though the public cloud can decrease costs, improve efficiencies and allow IT teams to focus on more strategic initiatives, many people are still concerned about security. Myths about cloud security still abound, and it is necessary to separate fact from fiction when weighing cloud-based options.

Myth: Offsite Data Centers Are Always Less Secure

This myth is actually rooted in some fact. The truth is, some data centers provided by IT companies in Indianapolis are more secure than corporate data centers, but not always.

When evaluating potential providers it is critical to dig deep into the data center’s controls like encryption, tokenization, data loss prevention and security certificates. Cross-reference your specific requirements before choosing a provider.

Myth: A Small Number of Data Centers Means Less Security

Some companies choose providers with smaller data centers, thinking that they will have stronger performance or will be more resilient in the event of a disaster. This is not necessarily the case. The number of data centers a provider offers has no impact on its overall performance.

Myth: Compliance Responsibilities Are Transferred to The Provider

Some companies believe that by using a cloud provider, they transfer compliance and liability to that provider. This is not the case. The company is always responsible for protecting its own assets, and it is up to your IT department to ensure compliance.

Myth: Cloud Services Do Not Impact Cybersecurity Insurance Costs

Even though you are still on the hook for compliance and liability, switching to the cloud can actually benefit you in terms of cybersecurity insurance premiums. When choosing a provider, check with the insurance company to find out which types of security certifications can reduce your monthly premiums, and require the cloud service to provide those certifications before signing on. If you have a remote workforce, they all need to ensure that they are doing their part to maintain internet security –https://www.ewa-ha.com/ has suggested some helpful methods that you may wish to advise employees to follow.

A Little Bit of Knowledge Goes A Long Way

The more systems that are transferred to the cloud, the more efficient your business will run. Cloud solutions can enhance the work experience – especially the remote work experience, and can streamline processes, provide greater scalability and flexibility, and eliminate redundancies. So if you are interested in using a cloud provider then you might want to go to the website https://www.hostiserver.com/ for more information on what you need to do next.

Security is always a concern, but there are no absolutes. Don’t assume that cloud services are 100% better than existing in-house services, and don’t assume that your company will be exposed to greater security threats, either. Arming yourself with knowledge, asking the right questions in the discovery process and demanding proof of security protocols and certificates can ensure a smooth transition and more secure data for your business and its clients.

If you are looking for tech pros who are experts in cloud migrations or cloud security, contact the expert recruiters at ASK today! We can connect you with experts who will ensure a smooth transition and who will help keep your offsite data secure. There are also people to help with AWS Microservices architecture to help software applications have broad coverage and able to be controlled individually.

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